ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AITUTOR.LZH 212992 02-15-93 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TUTOR Artificial Intelligence is computer software that allows a computer to perform tasks we would consider intelligent if done by a person. These tasks include giving expert advice, understanding natural language, speaking intelligently and more. ESIE.LZH 49152 02-15-93 ESIE Expert System Inference Engine. Easy to use & build knowledge base, builds inference out of rule set & acts as an advisor. Comes with 5 rule sets for DOS, DOCTOR, ANIMALS, CRYSTAL & The ESIE MANUAL. Use to build sophisticated information systems. INFER.LZH 16384 02-15-93 INFERENCE Simple program to solve hypothetical syllogism. Example: I am a man, a man is mortal, Therefore, I am mortal. Allows 4 types of statements; declarations,queries,requests,inquires. Learns as you feed it data, data becomes very MIPS.LZH 114688 02-15-93 M.I.P.S. Multiple Intelligence Personnel Simulator. Learns by recording answers it does not know. Has over 2500 word vocabulary, 7500 word responses, can hold 500 questions in mem, allows access to ASCII text & data files. Comes with 4 databases. Nice interface. POETSTAR.LZH 131072 02-15-93 POETRY STAR 1.1 A highly interactive tutor for contemporary poetry writing - which approaches the subject of poetry from the perspective of discovery and delight, the way poets approach it. All handled in an atificial intelligence format. Lots of fun while learning. ASP XXXPERT.LZH 114688 02-15-93 XXXPERT An expert system development facility. Includes an editor, file manager, and expert systems inference engine. Allows you to define expert knowledge just once then apply it repeatedly. Can link with DB III and Lotus 123 files.